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Photo - Lab

Animal Housing (Mouse)

Animal Housing (Mouse)

The animal housing room was renovated in 2015. The temperature (22ºC) and humidity (50%) are controlled all year around. Whether they appreciate it or not, they are treated better than most of the graduate students. Adding the excellent husbandry service provided by one undergraduate work-study students, it ain't that bad to be a laboratory Sprague-Dawley.

Experiment Recordings

Experiment Recordings



Fear Conditioning Chambers

Fear Conditioning Chambers

Fluorescence Microscope

Fluorescence Microscope

Open Field (Rat)

Open Field (Rat)



Fiber Photometry

Fiber Photometry

Sound Proof Chamber

Sound Proof Chamber

Stereotaxic Surgery Equiptment

Stereotaxic Surgery Equiptment

The building

The building

It is called the “old law school building (구법관)” although it is heavily resided by psychology people. At KU, the oldest among private universities founded by pure Korean fund, we value history. My lab is on the 4th floor. To get there click here

My office

My office

You can visit my office to check out the books I have, bikes I own, or rodent figurines that I have collected over years. The road bike is Independent Fabrication Crown Jewel and the mountain bike is Serotta Spier falls, if anyone cares. Riding a bicycle is a cure-all therapy for me. If you wonder how it is possible to ride a bike in one of the busiest and most bike-hostile cities in the world, click here.

Seminar room

Seminar room

A large room for a seminar, a coffee break, and a dining.

Student suite

Student suite

This is where students study.

Animal Housing (Rat)

Animal Housing (Rat)

The animal housing room was renovated in 2015. The temperature (22ºC) and humidity (50%) are controlled all year around. Whether they appreciate it or not, they are treated better than most of the graduate students. Adding the excellent husbandry service provided by one undergraduate work-study students, it ain't that bad to be a laboratory Sprague-Dawley.

3D printers

3D printers

We have two types of high-end 3d printers. We use them to build various equipment for experiments, and some extra cute stuff as well.

3D-printed sucrose lick-port

3D-printed sucrose lick-port

When they don't sell what we need. We just make one.

Fear conditioning chambers

Fear conditioning chambers

These chambers are used for conventional fear conditioning studies.

Maze and the Robot

Maze and the Robot

We have various types of mazes for behavioral experiments. In some of these mazes, rats can encounter robot predators.

Histology suite

Histology suite

The suite is equipped with two stereotaxic instruments (Stoelting and Narishige), a microtome (Leica), a microscope (Nikon) with camera, a dissecting microscope, standard lab chemicals and supplies, and of course, a beat-up radio without which no working lab would be complete.

Fabrication area

Fabrication area

This is where all the microelectrodes and electronic experimental devices are manufactured.

Mice being habituated

Mice being habituated

Devices for Ephys study

Devices for Ephys study

We are currently using two high-end data acquisition instruments (TDT, Neuralynx) for unit recordings in freely moving animals.

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